Come celebrate Andy Hunsaker’s 100th podcast by tuning into Iann Robinson’s 147th podcast! Yes, it’s The Book Report #147, and we’re coming at you with two weeks full of funnybooks and a bunch of news that’s fit to print about San Diego Comic-Con 2013.
We’ll talk about Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, the X-Men movie future, Hulk: Agents of SMASH and plenty of other SDCC news – although we left out Superman/Batman movie – you can see plenty of opinions on that on Crave Online right now. Then we confab about Superior Spider-Man, Trinity War, Hawkeye, Batman/Superman (the comic), Iron Man, Rocketeer/Spirit, Swamp Thing, Red Sonja, Deadpool, Superior Carnage, Uncanny Avengers, Lazarus, Young Avengers, Lone Ranger and much more.
Subscribe to The Book Report on iTunes, follow us on Twitter (@CraveOnlineEnt) whenever you can, and be forewarned, we use salty language with regularity. Also, be sure to check out Crave Online’s other podcasts for all your entertainment needs – there’s the “The Idiot Box” for TV, “The B-Movies” for film, and “Next Gen News” for video games. Crave Online’s got you covered.
And thanks to My Special Agent for allowing us to use their Hulk song “Anger/Danger” as our opening theme.