The Book Report Podcast #147: Comic-Con Rundown


Come celebrate Andy Hunsaker’s 100th podcast by tuning into Iann Robinson’s 147th podcast! Yes, it’s The Book Report #147, and we’re coming at you with two weeks full of funnybooks and a bunch of news that’s fit to print about San Diego Comic-Con 2013.

We’ll talk about Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, the X-Men movie future, Hulk: Agents of SMASH and plenty of other SDCC news – although we left out Superman/Batman movie – you can see plenty of opinions on that on Crave Online right now. Then we confab about Superior Spider-Man, Trinity War, Hawkeye, Batman/Superman (the comic), Iron Man, Rocketeer/Spirit, Swamp Thing, Red Sonja, Deadpool, Superior Carnage, Uncanny Avengers, Lazarus, Young Avengers, Lone Ranger and much more.



Here’s The MP3!

Subscribe to The Book Report on iTunes, follow us on Twitter (@CraveOnlineEnt) whenever you can, and be forewarned, we use salty language with regularity.  Also, be sure to check out Crave Online’s other podcasts for all your entertainment needs – there’s the “The Idiot Box” for TV, “The B-Movies” for film, and “Next Gen News” for video games. Crave Online’s got you covered.

And thanks to My Special Agent for allowing us to use their Hulk song “Anger/Danger” as our opening theme.