DC’s hottest writer has been Scott Snyder, with a critically-acclaimed run on Batman that’s going so far as to redefine his origin story for the New 52 era, and he’s got the full support of DC Co-Publisher Jim Lee, the industry legend who remains the standard bearer for what defines comic book art. So much so, in fact, that Lee is serving as the artist for Snyder’s new Superman Unchained series, which hit the ground running and has set about the task of deconstructing what it means to be the Man of Steel. Snyder is a friend of Crave Online and a veteran of our Book Report podcast, and it’s always a pleasure to get a chance to talk to him – which we did at San Diego Comic-Con 2013.
Here’s my exclusive interview with Snyder & Lee, who may just be the real life Batman and Superman behind the scenes at DC (which I suppose makes Geoff Johns Wonder Woman). Hope you dig it.