The big news springing out of the X-Men panel at Comic-Con 2013 was that Nightcrawler, the popular, swashbuckling fuzzy blue elf of the X-Men who has been dead for years, will be coming back to life in a new series called Amazing X-Men from Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness.

“Nightcrawler has always been my favorite X-Man, so I’ve been planning this story for years now, going all the way back to Wolverine and the X-Men #1,” explained Aaron. “I’m thrilled to be bringing Nightcrawler back to the forefront of the Marvel Universe. Of course it may not be much fun for the X-Men, once they realize what they’ll have to go through to rescue their friend.”
Nightcrawler sacrificed his life to protect Hope Summers in the Second Coming story arc back in 2010, and now Wolverine, Storm, Iceman, Beast and more will be teaming up to go find a way to bring him back to the land of the living – and it may have something to do with the Bamfs – the weird little Nightcrawler-esque critters that cause mischief in the X-Men’s vicinity.
What do you think of this development? Will you be happy to see Kurt Wagner back in action, or was the Age of Apocalypse version that’s been around lately your preferred Nightcrawler?