Comic-Con 2013: The Veronica Mars Movie…Thomas, Cast Spill Details

Sure, “Veronica Mars” only lasted three seasons on a seldom-watched network. But that didn’t seem to stop a little show called “Star Trek” from carving out a nice future for itself after three low-rated seasons back in the 60’s, right?

“Veronica Mars” creator Rob Thomas hopes maybe some of that magic will repeat itself with the currently-in-production Veronica Mars feature film…and the fans of Neptune’s spunkiest teen detective haven’t forgotten Veronica either, if Friday’s frenzied panel in Comic-Con’s Hall H is any indication.

As Crave’s movie site Cinema Blend reports, Thomas, series star Kristen Bell and the rest of the reunited cast had plenty to dish on the movie, which picks up years after the series’ end as Veronica and her old friends and enemies return to Neptune for a class reunion.

Thomas gave Comic-Con fans the first look at the new movie, featuring Veronica in a job interview, a married Weevil and a reunion punch-out between Veronica and Madison…for starters.  Check out the video below.

Head over to Cinema Blend for a full report on the panel and more details.


Comic-Con 2013: Veronica Mars Panel


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