Comic-Con 2013: ‘The X Files’ 20th Anniversary Panel

It’s no exaggeration to say that if Comic-Con had a Hall of Fame, “The X Files” would be a first ballot inductee. 

Now, 11 years after the end of Fox’s hit series and five years since the last new X Files project (2008’s X Files: I Want to Believe), stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, along with series creator Chris Carter and a host of the show’s most celebrated writers greeted a packed and enthusiastic Comic-Con crowd to field questions and bathe in the X love.

Crave’s movie site Collider was there for the full report, including…

…Duchovny’s take on the strength of the series. “The show had any possibility.  The show is so flexible and could encompass any ideas.  We could do it forever,” Duchovny said.

…how an effort to get Drew Barrymore on the show turned out (she never guest-starred, so extrapolate from that what you will).

…and how things are going on the NEXT X Files project.

 “You need a reason to get excited about going on and doing it again, because it’s hard, hard work, but this is very exciting,” Carter said.


Go over to Collider to read the full report on the whole panel.


Comic-Con 2013:  The X Files 20th Anniversary Panel