Comic-Con 2013: 9 Movie News Stories We Want in 2013

The internet is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E. with Comic-Con movie news, and with good reason: Hollywood has completely overtaken the world’s biggest comic book convention over the last decade, nearly pushing comics out of the limelight altogether. That’s a tragic story for comic book fans, but if all you care about is movies, it makes one week in July the most anticipated week of the year for sci-fi, fantasy, superhero and otherwise geek-related movie announcements, casting revelations, exclusive footage and veritable gluts of high quality interviews with all the stars, filmmakers and industry icons you actually want to hear from, and who actually know what’s going on in the entertainment industry.

But before it begins in earnest (Thursday through Saturday are going to be particularly insane, so refresh your browsers regularly), we’re taking a look ahead at the various panels scheduled in Hall H and predicting – nay, praying – we get Comic-Con movie news that we actually want to see, and not just one studio after another plugging their wares hoping that one of them happens to get a little extra traction from the target demographic. Comic-Con is the place to stand out, make a real impression, and show the fans you care with exclusive news they can’t get anywhere else.

Here are the 9 News Stories We Want from Comic-Con 2013.

William Bibbiani is the editor of CraveOnline’s Film Channel and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. Follow him on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.


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