Crave’s CinemaBlend website has published an investigation by game retailers that uncovered some fairly shocking numbers behind game sales for the Xbox One.
GameSpot spoke with retailers and found that at least one reported the license fee for used games is about $52. That would mean USED games would have to sell for far more than market value just for game stores to make any profit whatsoever.
“..each physical copy sold has a royalty fee that goes toward the publisher and console manufacture, and the retailer gets to keep 10 percent of the final sale. This means that if Gamestop sold a used copy of a game for $60, they would only make $6 on the sale, which would mean they would probably have to sell games for about 200% of the market value if they wanted to see decent returns on used game sales. Keep in mind that 46% of Gamestop’s revenue comes from used games.”