An Interview With Katheryn Winnick Of “Vikings”

Toronto native Katheryn Winnick has worked with many a Hollywood A-lister. The star of the new drama “Vikings,” she is also sharing the big screen with heavyweights like Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, and Charlie Sheen. A gal who loves skiing but also admits to being a bit of a homebody, this is what she told Crave readers about who she looks up to and still has on her acting bucket list.

1- Tell us about your work on “Vikings”- what’s the storyline and tell us about your character.

I play Lagertha, who is a fierce shield maiden, which is a female warrior in the Viking era, and I get to play someone who is based on a real person, which is fantastic. I think a lot viewers will appreciate the cultural and historical aspect of that era.

2- And we hear you’re appearing on the big screen shortly in “Stand Up Guys” – can you tell us about this project?

I really wanted to work with Al Pacino, I’m a huge fan and also love Christopher Walken and Alan Arken. I wanted to share the screen with them and was excited just to be in the same room as them.

I also just finished a movie with Charlie Sheen called “A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III”, and it was great to work with Bill Murray and Charlie Sheen. It was a fun role.

3- With such a jam-packed schedule, what do you do for fun?

I’m in Toronto right now and my family lives here, and it is so nice to come home and be close to my family and friends. I also love skiing and traveling – all that stuff is the fun part of my business and for recreation.

It’s actually snowing in Toronto today and I’m dying to check out the slopes.

4- Who do you look up to in the biz and why?

For me it all starts with really good filmmakers, writers and directors. I’m a big fan of Hitchcock and Spielberg and amazing directors like them.

I’ve also always been drawn to and admired strong, deep character-driven female characters that are multi-dimensional and have all of these different layers.

5- You’ve worked with some huge names in the acting world – anyone still on your bucket list?

There are so many people who are on my bucket list. I’m hoping to work with more talented directors and other actors that I admire. I’ve always wanted to work with Morgan Freeman and Anthony Hopkins.

6- What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

I’m a bit of a nerd and a homebody. I also love finding out about the latest [projects I’m working on] and become immersed in that. For example, with this role being about the Viking culture, I wanted to soak up every single thing that I could. That stuff really gets me going.


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