7 Funny Episodes of Kid Snippets

Hollywood makes a butt-ton of money writing movies for children, but what if kids themselves wrote the movies? Could they make a double butt-ton? That’s the premise behind the web series Kid Snippets, where adults act out scenes improvised by kids. I’ll take this over the next Ice Age movie for sure. Here are 7 funny episodes of Kid Snippets:


“First Thanksgiving”

How about… I dunno… corn?



Kill yourself to find out if you’re alive – genius!



This is a conversation that could reasonably take place between two 20-year-olds.


“Basketball Lesson”

I hope this girl’s parents aren’t counting on her getting a basketball scholarship.


“Blind Date”

It’s not just a fun date, it’s a hot date!



Both of you, quit fighting. They chose me!


“Principal’s Office”

So that’s the secret to not getting detention – grab the principal’s beloved toy car.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!


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