In the good old days of Ted Kord, superbuddies Blue Beetle and Booster Gold were a beloved comedy team unparalleled among the pantheon of DC Comics. Sadly, Kord is long gone, a victim of the brutal war waged on his era’s Justice League by DC Editorial at the time of Identity Crisis (alas, we still ache for the Dibnys). However, in the New 52, perhaps a new iteration of BB and BG is about to form.
Last issue, we saw the new Blue Beetle, Jaime Reyes, have an unfortunate run-in with the government – namely, Director Bones of the DEO. In Blue Beetle #11, the anti-super organization Superfail goes head to head with corporate shill-man Booster Gold over the reputation of Reyes, whose identity remains a secret wrapped in an enigma tucked into an alien conqueror’s power suit.
Check out Crave Online’s exclusive preview pages of next week’s Blue Beetle #11 from Tony Bedard and Ig Guara.