Today, Warner Brothers and Rocksteady have confirmed Talia al Ghul’s appearance in Batman: Arkham City, hot off the heels of the new Penguin trailer. For anyone that isn’t up to date with their Batman lore, Talia is the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, current leader of the League of Assassins and one-time lover of Batman. In fact, Talia and Bruce conceived a kid together, Damian, who is currently parading around as Gotham City’s Boy Wonder, Robin. Talia al Ghul will be played by ABC’s Castle’s Stana Katic in Batman: Arkham City.
“Talia is such a complex character and it was great to voice her in Batman: Arkham City,” said Katic regarding her role in the game. “I was amazed at all the detail put into the project and it’s great to see how excited the fans are about the game.”
Here’s your first look at Talia’s in-game model, as well as a nice shot of the beautiful Stana Katic.