With all the controversy circling Team Bondi and Rockstar lately, it’s easy to forget that there is still downloadable content on the way for L.A. Noire. That is until a pretty little email pops up in your inbox with a new trailer for the “Reefer Madness” DLC. The latest Vice case add-on will release on July 12 for the PlayStation Network ($3.99) and Xbox Live (320 MS Points). If you were smart and bought the Rockstar Pass, the DLC will be unlocked for download on that date at no extra charge.
Here’s the setup for “Reefer Madness,” straight from Rockstar:
“When a tip from an informant leads Detective Cole Phelps and his Vice desk partner Roy Earle to a local L.A. drug dealer, a deadly shootout ensues and they suddenly find themselves in the throes of one of the city’s biggest narcotics rings.”
Sounds intense. Finally, here’s the trailer for the DLC add-on, full of shootouts, car chases and, of course, marijuana.