Xbox 360 Marketplace Experiencing Outage

PlayStation gamers have been through a lot of over the last month where online gaming is concerned. After a month long hiatus, the PSN just came back online to allow gamers to play their titles with friends or strangers, but the PlayStation Store still remains offline, denying players from purchasing new digital content. It seems Microsoft is currently undergoing a similar situation with the Xbox 360 Marketplace.

Gamers who venture into Microsoft’s Games Marketplace will find a store with nothing in it. What gives? Well, Microsoft doesn’t know just yet, but they’re actively seeking out the answers, as they state in a response to VG247 concerning the issue.

“Users may experience difficulties with the following services: Browsing Indie Games from the Xbox 360 console or, browsing the Games for Windows – LIVE Marketplace on a PC, Browsing Games Marketplace from the Xbox 360 console or

“We are aware of the problem and are working to resolve the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.”

It’s far too early to peg this outage on recreational hacking, even if the situation echoes back to the PS Store outage. As of right now, this is 100% coincidental, until proven otherwise. And for the record, Xbox Live still works. You can hop online right now and play games with your friends. It’s just the Xbox 360 Marketplace that’s experiencing technical difficulties.

When this issue gets ironed out, or if it becomes a bigger story, we’ll let you know.


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