Photo: shironosov (Getty Images)
When the Fourth of July rolls around, we have a few expectations. We assume we’ll hear patriotic and American-centric music blasting from all directions. We hope to enjoy grilled meats, at least a few frosty beers, and partake in some classic yard games like bocce, croquet, and corn hole. We also expect the evening to end in a breathtaking fireworks display. We also assume we’ll be completely annoyed by obnoxious people setting off firecrackers randomly throughout the day.
This brings us to one question: Is there anything more annoying and obnoxious than someone setting off firecrackers on the Fourth of July, assuming people actually want their eardrums blown out by their idiotic explosions? Surprisingly, there are a few things more obnoxious. Keep scrolling to reveal eight things that are even worse.
Things More Obnoxious Than Firecrackers
Talking loudly during a movie.
Whether you’re at home with a loved one or you’re out at a movie theater, talking loudly during a movie is just an awful character flaw. It’s rude, and obnoxious, and it’s like you’re telling everyone else that they don’t deserve to enjoy a movie.
Heating up stinky food in the break room.
There might be nothing worse than the person who heats up salmon or some other stinky food in the break room microwave. We understand that you had leftovers, but don’t bring them to work. Have you ever heard of the concept of making a sandwich?
Unattended crying babies.
We get it, babies cry when they are hungry, tired, or neglected. But it’s the last one that bothers us. If your baby is bellowing for an obscene amount of time because you’re scrolling through your phone, we absolutely hate you.
Talking on speakerphone in public.
Nobody wants to hear your private conversation. Why would you think it’s a good idea to use the speakerphone function on your phone while you sit on a crowded train or while eating lunch at a restaurant?
Taking your shoes and socks off on a plane.
Is there anything more obnoxious than a person who takes their shoes and socks off on a plane? We don’t want to see your disgusting feet and we definitely don’t want to smell the old-cheese fragrance that comes with the shoe and sock removal.
Slathering yourself in cologne.
There’s a reason they say that a little bit goes a long way. Specifically, we’re talking about cologne. You’ll have a hard time finding something more obnoxious after you’re stuck in an elevator with an overly cologne-d person for dozens of floors.
Not muting your background noise in a Zoom meeting.
If you’re lucky enough to work from home, you probably have to sit through a Zoom meeting or two every week. It sure beats having to go into an office, right? If you still don’t realize that you need to mute your background, so your co-workers don’t have to hear your squawking parrot or neighbor weed-whacking his yard, you’re a jerk.
Clipping nails in public.
If you’re the type of person who clips their fingernails or toenails in public, good for you, you’re even worse than obnoxious, erratic firecracker throwers. It’s anti-social and weird. Stop it. Where are the nails going anyway?