mitch mcconnell
WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 03: U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks to reporters following the weekly Republican policy luncheons, on May 03, 2022 in Washington, DC. Leader McConnell called the leak of the draft Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade lawless and an act of intimidation. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

5 Occupations Mitch McConnell Might Be Better Suited For

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell loves power as much as being a craven shitheel.  Besides being an obvious sex symbol in the Senate, mumbling McConnell loves striking backroom deals that enrich himself at the expense of his constituency who keep voting the guy back in. Seriously, the guy has been in the Senate so long that he remembers obstructing progress under President Lincoln.

During his decades-long time in the Senate, Mitch McConnell has managed to become an even bigger dick with every passing year. Among some of his more dickish moves were obstructing President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court pick, derailing an investigation into Kentuckians’ toxic water, blocking an amendment in 2017 that would have set aside funds for infectious diseases like Covid-19, obstructing everything the Obama wanted to do that actually helped people, and then basically waited for Justice Ginsburg to die so he could hypocritically install a far-right justice in her place.

He also said that his No. 1 goal was to make sure that Obama was a one-term president the very day after he was elected. We could literally go on for days and days detailing just how many dickish things McConnell has done.

Indeed, Mitch McConnell is a special kind of a-hole that doesn’t come around very often. In other words, we really love to hate this guy. That’s why we were inspired to imagine five occupations McConnell might be better suited for so we can get him the eff out of the Senate.

Cover Photo: Kevin Dietsch (Getty Images)

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