Play of the Day: Fauci Has Hot Mic On While Calling Republican Senator ‘Moron’

Dr. Fauci is known for being a healer (of sorts). But his words did some serious damage to Republican senator Roger Marshall when the two got into a sparring match during a recent Senate Health Committee hearing.

It all began when Marshall wheeled out a giant prop check in the amount of $434,212 (Fauci’s salary) to try and nail Fauci for allegedly siphoning “taxpayer” money. Feeling satisfied that a prop check was all the evidence he needed to prove his conspiracy, Marshall commenced with his ill-fated interrogation.

“As the highest-paid employee in the entire federal government, yes or no, would you be willing to submit to Congress and the public, a financial disclosure that includes your past and current investments?”

Fauci scratched his head and wondered why he was being asked such a thing when “My financial disclosure is public knowledge and has been for the last 37 years or so.”

But Marshall wasn’t satisfied with public records being, um…public record. With his prop check emboldening him, Marshall insisted that Big Tech was hiding the information behind a wall of Vitamin D-deficient nerds, suggested collusion may be taking place, and even trotted out the word “shenanigans” before asking where he could find these so-called public records.

To which Fauci replied, “All you have to do is ask for it. You’re so misinformed, it’s extraordinary.” Though what he really wanted to say was “What a moron,” which he did, in fact, do 12 seconds later.

Check it out:

In the aftermath of being properly labeled in the court of public opinion, Marshall’s ego was so badly bruised he’s now introducing a bill with the acronym FAUCI as payback. (Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals.) You gotta admit, it’s pretty clever for a moron.

Cover Photo: Pool (Getty Images)

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