Meanwhile in Manhattan: Mom Takes Out Billboard to Help Daughter Find Love, OnlyFans Would Have Been Much Cheaper and More Successful

The single life is great for folks who want to bounce around from bed to bed until their knees give out. But for those ready to settle down (or just plain settle) finding love the traditional way is nigh impossible. That’s why one well-meaning mom took out a gigantic billboard in Times Square advertising her daughter’s goods.

Teaming up with Wingman, a dating app where friends vouch for you, Beth Davis set up a profile for her daughter Molly in the hopes that the 30-year-old would find a husband. But rather than leave it to the chance of smartphone thumb swipes, Davis splurged on a billboard in the busiest street in America.

When describing her ideal match, mom says, “I want to see her surrounded by his lovely family that will have embraced her. And I bet she will slot right into his large circle of friends, and they will plan their own cool adventures.” Unfortunately, what she is describing only exists in a rom-com from the aughts.

But if ever there was the perfect setup for a rom-com, it’s this. Because it turns out Molly’s mom has metastatic breast cancer and the clock may be ticking on her dream of seeing her daughter find love and happiness. So with the support of Wingman founder Tina Wilson, a national press campaign, and the force of nature that is a mom with a mission, the pressure is on to find Mr. Right.

Because how bad are you gonna feel about your romantic prospects if a giant billboard in Times Square doesn’t do the trick? Luckily, there’s always OnlyFans and the millions of eligible bachelors trawling the internet for a woman with strong family values who understands their particular brand of kink.

Cover Photo: YouTube

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