Elon Musk Puts Microchip in Monkey’s Brain, Now it Can Play Video Games (We’ll Take 2)

Photo: Pool (Getty Images)

Elon Musk is a real-life Emmitt Brown from ‘Back to the Future’ without the strange white hair, uncomfortable relationship with a high schooler, and apparent inability to age for thirty years. Like “Doc” Brown, Musk is an inventor. He invented the most popular electric car, the Tesla. He also created SpaceX, is working on a hyperloop for super-fast travel, and even made our dreams of having our own, personal flame thrower come true. Now, he’s upped the ante by putting a microchip in a monkey’s brain so it can play video games. In our opinion, this might be the most important invention to date.

Recently, Musk was speaking on Clubhouse, a private social media app, where he revealed that one of his startup companies wired a monkey’s brain so that it can play video games. The company is called Neurolink Corp, a company that is working to create a brain-computer interface and will also eventually lead to our demise at the hands of our artificial Intelligence overlords.

Musk says that the company’s goal is to create brain-linking technology that benefits people suffering from brain and spinal injuries. If it works, this actually could be one of the most important inventions in history.

If this isn’t proof enough that Musk is a supervillain, we don’t know what is. Just imagine the lab working on implanting chips into a monkey’s brain. It seems like the exact way a Marvel movie would begin. You’ll see.

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