When you walk into a grocery store, you expect to see a few things. Maybe you’ll peep an unnaturally large mountain of paper towels, canned goods, or cereal right in the front of the store. This wouldn’t be strange at all. You also expect to see signs noting various sales and the directions to particular sections of the store. You assume you’ll see people pushing shopping carts and filling them up as they move around in the store. These are common sights in your neighborhood supermarket. What you don’t expect to see is a dominatrix leading a man around on a leash as he walks on all fours.
This is exactly what IAMSOUND record label co-owner Paul Tao spotted at Erewhon, a high-end grocery store located in LA. Obviously, his first thought was to take a photo and tweet it.
While the whole thing seems pretty wild to us folks who aren’t interested in being treated like a dog by someone else, it was a typical afternoon for the dominatrix mistress named Lark. She simply wanted some juice. She was out on the town with her “sub” and some friends. They were shopping and taking videos. Just your average day, right?
She wanted some juice and, like a good “dom,” she couldn’t just leave her dog in the hot car. That wouldn’t be right at all. She tied up her dog and brought him into the store with her. The dog was a masked man on all fours, attached to a leash.
The best part? Even in the world of COVID, security let them through, they walked around the store shopping, and even checked out before the attention from onlookers became too much and they were asked to leave. Hopefully, they also grabbed some puppy chow before getting escorted out the door.
Photo: twitter.com/paultao
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