Meanwhile in Florida: Condo With Beer Can Walls For Sale Wins This Year’s ‘Most Florida Thing Ever’ Award

Photo: Kearney & Associates Realty

If you’ve spent any time perusing realty websites because you’re trying to purchase a home, looking for a friend, or you’re just bored at work, you’ve probably seen some strange interior decorating choices. From odd color choices to strange toilet placement and outdated wood paneling, there’s no limit to the number of weird home decorations. But, in your search, you’ve probably never seen a wall covered in beer cans.

Well, maybe you have seen walls covered in beer cans. That is, if you’re looking for a condo in Lake Worth, Florida.

When realtor Kristen Kearney got the listing for a new condo going up for sale, she was told to be prepared for beer-can adorned wallpaper. No big deal, she thought. You can remove wallpaper fairly easily and paint the walls. But, when she arrived, she realized that the walls weren’t covered in beer can-themed wallpaper, they were literally covered in beer cans.

Also, it wasn’t just a few kitschy walls. Every wall, except in the bathroom, was covered in Budweiser beer cans. The former owner didn’t just plaster the cans on willy-nilly though, he even made his own makeshift crown molding made from aluminum cans.

The former owner, who recently died, loved Budweiser beer so much that he decided to cover the walls of his home in his beloved brew. Not surprisingly, Anheuser-Busch found out about the listing and offered to stock the fridge as long as whoever purchases the home doesn’t remove the cans from the walls.

The 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo was initially listed for $110,00 before being lowered to $100,000. But, the recent viral nature of the photos is sure to drive the price back up again. Hopefully whoever finally buys it doesn’t mind a house filled with “old beer smell.”

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