Karen Greg

There’s a Mr. Karen in Town, and Apparently His Name Is Greg

We’re all intimately familiar with Karen by now. She’s the entitled suburban mom who insists on complaining over the slightest inconveniences and uses her white privilege to get what she wants. We love to laugh at her on social media and identify the Karens in our own lives. But we have to admit: the concept is pretty sexist.

Marianne Williamson, the self-help guru and one-time (unpopular) candidate for president, recently called out Miles Klee, a writer at Mel Magazine, for the misogyny inherent in the meme-tastic Karen. He responded by creating a Mr. Karen, otherwise known as Greg. This archetype joins a rich legacy of dudes you don’t want to be, like coronavirus Chad or gamer a-hole Kyle.

So, what is a Greg? He’s a husband and father, but isn’t enthusiastic about, or especially beloved in, either role. He’s a hothead. He refuses to wear a mask (because he’s a Trump supporter) and he participated in the Reopen America protests (because he just can’t stand being at home with his wife and kids any longer). He loves drinking, guns, and WWII history (a little too much) and has strong opinions about the removal of his favorite brand mascots like the Land O’ Lakes butter maiden. He doesn’t understand why Black Lives Matter and thinks America is perilously close to becoming a socialist country. If you don’t want to hear him grumble and rant, leave him alone with his grill.

Do you know any Gregs? If so, keep your distance this summer. Tensions are high and tempers are short and there’s no telling what he’s capable of. Even Karen can’t calm him down. But maybe, just maybe, he’ll be good for a  few new memes.

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Cover Photo: lisafx (Getty Images)

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