face masks

Newly Invented ‘Trikini’ Gives Women the Option of Staying Safe and Sexy With Stylish Face Masks

The heat is on. And while this doesn’t mean the end of COVID-19, it does mean that it’s almost beach weather. Summer, with its high temperatures and never-ending sun, isn’t far off. Soon, people all over the country will be heading for the ocean, lakes, and even ponds in an attempt to get their tan on and cool off. But there will be a noticeable caveat to the days of sun and fun: face masks.

Bodies of water tend to attract large groups of people. Even though we know you’ll do your best to use proper social distancing, it’s tough to stay as far away as you’d like to on a packed beach. Us guys can just wear our swim trunks and a mask (they don’t even need to match). As for the ladies? They now have to option to wear a trikini.

Don’t know what a trikini is? Well, it’s the hottest swimsuit style of summer. We all know that the “bi” in bikini means “two” since bikinis are two-piece bathing suits. Well, a trikini is a bikini with the addition of a matching mask. So, now your gal can be stylish and still ward off coronavirus. Check out some of our favorite examples below.

Photo: bellbeachwear (Instagram)

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