Traveling is tough to endure most of the time. You have to get to the airport incredibly early, make it through all the annoying checkpoints, only to get shoved into a tuna-can missile with strangers for hours. If we could just have the ability to teleport, things would be a lot easier. But we don’t and therefore have to deal with all types of assholes when we’re flying the friendly skies. There are so many nasty things people do on planes, we rounded up the ones that best reflect why flying sucks. Behold, the ranking of the worst things people do on airplanes.
Photo: nicoletaionescu (Getty Images)
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Weird Things People Do On Planes
Bringing emotional support animals on board.
Emotional support animals have gone beyond cute dogs and landed in the wilderness. People are trying to get their emotional support turkeys, peacocks, rats and everything else on planes nowadays. No, Florida Man, your alligator can't board this flight.
Mid-flight manicures.
Feet are some of the most disgusting parts of the human body. However, some people don't get it and think whipping out your toes to cut your nails is completely OK. News flash, asshole: it's not.
Children in carry-on luggage.
We get that we all want to save money on flights. And those pesky baggage fees are an annoying pain in the ass. But maybe don't be such a cheap ass that you stuff your kids in your luggage.
Babies in overhead bins.
This isn't as out-of-this-world as you might think. Back in the day, people used to hang their babies in cradles overhead during flights. Turns out, turbulence makes that a problem, but that hasn't stopped a few idiots from continuing the effort.
Finding your center is important. But downward dog can wait until you land because it's getting in the way and no one gives a shit how flexible you are. Unless you're bending to get out of our way when we need to use the bathroom, you're just being an obnoxious douche.
This is an oldie but goodie. Farting on an airplane goes back to the Wright brothers because, for all we know, one of them probably ripped one out when they became the first men to fly. Here we are over 100 years later and still farting our way through the skies.
Snakes on a plane (really).
It wasn't just a movie starring Samuel L. Jackson. People are literally bringing snakes on planes, and sometimes the slithery fuckers are getting loose. These people are probably taking their cues from the emotional support animal crazies.