Photo: B2M Productions (Getty Images)
Everything you know about sex you’ve gathered from the people you’ve been intimate with. Sex is an exchange of physical goods and those goods are your genitals. However, not all of our intimate interactions tell us everything we need to know about the opposite sex. Because of this, we’ve collected data from women to dispel any sexual misconceptions they think men have about sex. Don’t consider this a cheat sheet because if you should learn anything, it’s that every woman is different and the best you can do is talk with her about what she wants.
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Does what a woman want sexually matter to you? Which of these misconceptions jarred you the most? Let us know in the comments!
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Sexual Misconceptions
Women Don't Initiate Sex
Hey. Guess what? Women get horny, too, and they want to be able to initiate sex without being turned down. It works both ways and there's a certain level of fear women feel when they want to bring up having sex. Be open to it, but not pushy. Some women just don't want to be the aggressor and that's OK, too.
Women Don't Want To Masturbate In Front Of You
One of the greatest misconceptions men have about sex is that orgasm is a one-technique-fits-all experience. Each woman is different, as are her likes, wants, needs, and desires. It takes time to figure out what gets a woman off and pretending that you can read her mind is lame. Sometimes, instead of teaching you, women would rather give themselves the big O and get on with their lives.
Women Want To Have Porno Sex
Nothing is weirder than being on the receiving end of a man who's trying to fuck like a porn star. It's equal parts hilarious and depressing. It lets us know you do not care about connecting with your partner as much as "performing." It means sex for you is about you and not us. If a woman gives you the privilege of having her body, the least you can do is pleasure it.
All Modern Women Like Casual Sex
Each woman and what she likes differs. Some women like casual sex and some don't. It's not your job to decide what women like. Your job is to ask women what that is and then let us know where you're at. Don't pretend to want a monogamous relationship if you only want to sleep with someone. That's rude, especially when there are women seeking something casual that you could pursue. Be honest and communicate clearly and expect the same from women.
Dick Appointments Are Real...And Necessary
Welcome to the 21st century where women realize there's just not enough time to get it on with every man they want. Hence the advent of the "dick appointment." Men always say they want that no-strings-attached sex until they realize they've been penciled in. But you know what? That's a good thing. Most women are so busy with side gigs and passion projects that showing up to get it on seems like a job in and of itself. That said, let women enjoy sex on their own terms.
Women Want Marathon Sex
No woman in her right mind wants to have sex for longer than half an hour. Hell, penetrative sex for longer than 10 minutes can be a lot, especially if she's not going to come vaginally. Find that good window of time and then come in it.
Women Don't Know What They Want
Women are thinking about sex just as much, if not more than, you. Women know if they want to sleep with you within moments of meeting you. And there's really very little you can do to change this. They also know what they are and aren't willing to do in the bedroom, so listen and respect their boundaries the first time. Don't make her repeat herself.