Photo: Lorado (Getty Images)
Chivalry isn’t dead. It’s dormant. And it’s up to you, fine sir, to wake it the eff up. Who knows what caused the decline of chivalry (though feminism and the smartphone are good guesses) but there’s no better time than the present to bring back the fine art of acting like a gentleman, especially in the company of ladies.
Being chivalrous isn’t complicated. It’s really about paying attention, being thoughtful and kind, and (gasp!) treating women like the beautiful, precious human beings they are. The best part about chivalry? It makes you look more attractive to the ladies. (And who couldn’t use a little help in that department?)
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These are the acts of chivalry we want to bring back. Do your part, and let us know how it goes in the comments or on social!
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Bringing Her Flowers
No woman ever said, "Ugh, flowers again?" The one exception to this is carnations, which are considered cheap. Otherwise, you really can't go wrong with flowers...unless you bring her flours. Though if she's a baker, she might appreciate that gesture, too.
Opening The Car Door
In ancient times, you would've had a chariot, and likely several men vying over the pretty lady you wanted to whisk away. You had to get out, assert yourself, and ensure she got into said chariot safely. But we live in modern times, and you have a gas guzzler and a date with no better option for Saturday night than you. (We kid.) Start off on the right foot by getting out of the car and opening the door for her. It's an invitation to an experience, not just another dull car ride.
Lending An Arm
Women's clothing, especially formal wear, is ridiculous. It's amazing ladies can even stand up in some of the get-ups designers create. If you see a damsel in distress, offer your arm. Be her rock. She won't forget it.
Kissing Her Hand
A hand kiss is innocent. It's a romantic form of worship. It says, "I'm not worthy." And the truth is, you probably aren't. Bow down and kiss it.
Complimenting Her
This one is so simple and free, it's amazing more men don't do it. Some modern guys even think it's flirting to insult a woman they like. News flash: you're not in preschool anymore, so stop pulling her hair (unless you're in bed and she likes that, but that's a different post altogether) and teasing her. Just give her a sincere compliment -- about her looks, her personality, her sense of humor, anything. Everyone loves a compliment.
Lifting Her Luggage
It's wonderful if you can help women with whatever "baggage" they may be carrying, but a good place to start is with the actual lifting of luggage when boarding a plane.
You know most women aren't tall enough to stuff an oversized suitcase in the overhead bin, which is where you step in regardless of the age or agility she might have under her belt. Even if you know it's not going to get you in any Mile-High Club, which we all can agree sounds miserable after the age of 30.
Photo: Caiaimage/Agnieszka Olek (Getty Images)
Pulling Out Her Chair
Seriously, though, don't let her precious booty hit the ground. We don't know where this chivalrous tradition started, but let's keep it going. It makes every woman feel like a queen.
Lighting Her Cigarette
In the good ol' days, real men smoked real cigarettes. Like, the kind that cause lung cancer. And when a lady needed a light, she didn't even have to ask for one; men just appeared with fire at the ready. Somehow a vape pen just doesn't have the same allure. So if you see a lady about to inhale, help her out.
Whether or not you smoke, carry a pack of matches on you at all times. You never know where the day may take you.
Giving Her Your Jacket
Women get cold. All the time. They're living in freakin' Antarctica while you're closer to a Death Valley body temp. If you notice her hunched over, rubbing her arms, shivering, or just being unusually quiet, offer her your jacket. In fact, offer her your jacket even if she's not cold. Sometimes a gal just wants to be closer to you, and your clothing will suffice until your arms are available.
Sharing Your Umbrella
Getting her wet should definitely be on her agenda, but rain is not the kind of deluge either of you wants. Women put a lot of effort into their appearance on dates; the least you can do is preserve her carefully put-together look until you're behind closed doors, when she definitely won't care how messy her hair or makeup gets.
Covering A Puddle With Your Raincoat
Do you know how much women spend on shoes? Well, you don't want to know. Protect her fancy footwear from rainwater/sewage/what have you by draping your coat over it.
Defending Her Honor
You can think whatever you want about her (and maybe even say it out loud, behind her back), but don't you dare let another dude insult your lady. If he does, you will kick his butt and you will like it. So will she. Expect thank-you sex later.
Picking Her Up
This move isn't just for crossing the threshold on the wedding night (if you're old-fashioned enough to know what that is). It's a great way to show off your strength and let her know she can count on you.
Saving Her From Danger
The world is a dangerous place. Be alert, aware, and prepared. Protect her. What do you think your superior muscle mass is for, anyway?
Cleaning Up After Yourself
Consider this modern chivalry. Yes, women can do it all (and they often do), but sometimes the manliest act is showing that you're man enough to do what was traditionally considered "woman's work." Bonus: men who help women with housework are more likely to get that sweet, sweet loving for dessert.
Apologizing When You Act Like A Brute
Everyone makes mistakes. The mark of a gentleman, however, is that he owns them and apologizes. Say something uncouth? Stare a little too long at her, um, assets? Burp grotesquely? Say "I'm sorry" and do better next time.
Getting Down On One Knee
A proposal is the grandest chivalrous gesture of them all. Marriage is not an ancient relic; it's a radical act of hope. It also demands submission, so you might as well start practicing now. Your proposal doesn't have to be YouTube-worthy, but it should show how far you're willing to go to make her happy. Nothing says "I love you," like getting down on one knee and making a total, mushy fool of yourself.