creepy shadow on a wall

‘Paranormal Investigator’ Fired Bullets At Home Intruder He Says Was A Ghost

Photo: shadow of a stranger (Getty Images)

If I may, I’d like offer two pieces of advice. If you consider yourself a “paranormal investigator,” keep that information to yourself. And if you think you see something paranormal in your home, don’t start waving a gun around. One unlicensed off-duty Ghostbuster failed to adhere to such advice, and now he’s a viral criminal.

That being said, let’s all learn from Christian Devaux, 25-year-old from Connecticut who was recently thrown in jail for illegal discharge of a firearm, lying to police, reckless endangerment, misusing 911 and disorderly conduct. Sounds like a pretty good summary of Ghostbusters to us!

Real wrath-of-god-type stuff: 7 Comedians Share Their Ghost Stories

According to Journal Inquirer:

“When a trooper at the scene asked Devaux if they could both agree that no one had been in Devaux’s house earlier that morning and that he may have seen a ghost, Devaux replied, “It had to be.” 

Mr. Devaux told police he was a “paranormal investigator” and that he fired bullets inside his home because there “may have been a ghost.” However, his initial reasoning for the shots fired was because of an alleged attempted break-in.

It wasn’t until much later he told police his robber was actually a “spirit.” He made a similar report with police back in 2011.

More spook and spectral: Ghostbusters’: The Ultimate Visual History

Josh’s Take

This isn’t the first time Mr. Devaux tried playing Venkman with the police. He obviously needs help.

Look, I grew up loving Egon and the gang as much as the next kid. Still do. But you don’t see me lingering around the local cemetery, Victorian-era mansion or abandoned penitentiary. That’s so 6th grade.

If you start seeing ghouls for no reason, get help. If you’re seeing phantom burglars or otherwise, lay off the meds, capiche?

It just sounds like this guy’s seen one too many episodes of Supernatural. That’s what you get when you let a show go on for way too long.


Josh Helmuth is a sports reporter in St. Louis who contributes to Mandatory. He wanted to be a Ghostbuster up through the fifth grade until he realized he really wasn’t afraid of no ghost.