Photo: GaudiLab (Getty Images)
If you’re going to commit a crime, there’s probably one thing you don’t want to do: flaunt it on social media. Then again, not many criminals follow that rule and because of that we have yet another addition to our ‘Suicide by Social‘ franchise.
Let’s all talk about Mark Price and his girlfriend Emily Lock. Price and Lock spent over $140,000 on fancy trips and clothes, as well as on high-end sunglasses and handbags. The 27-year-old Price even bought himself an Audi RS4 and had no problem taking his gal on various trips. But how the hell did the pair afford all this? By dealing cocaine of course. But there was on problem: the jig was up once Lock started sharing photos of their awesome lifestyle on Instagram.

Police quickly raided Price’s home and found a bag containing 110g of cocaine at 83 percent purity
Well that’s an understatement: Couples Who Share Tons Of Cute Pics Together On Social Media Will Likely Fail

Police seized his phone, and found a text message to co-defendant Kyle Crowley where he claimed to be making up to £1,600 ($2,266) a week from dealing cocaine. The court heard he took out a £33,000 ($46,752) loan by fraudulently stating he was employed by a construction company that had actually gone bust.
Police then searched Lock’s home and found high-end designer clothing, jewelery, watches, bags and other accessories, worth an estimated £50,000 ($70,836). When she was interviewed by the police, Lock stated she had no idea her boyfriend was a cocaine dealer and thought he was a builder. Lock later admitted acquiring criminal property. She was sent to prison for 15 months.
Price, admitted possessing cocaine with intent to supply, being concerned in the supply of cocaine and fraud. He was jailed for seven years. When police raided Crowley and his partner Dionne Thomas’ home, they found 12 cannabis plants with a potential street value of up to nearly £8,000. ($11,334)

And don’t worry. Lock and Price’s partners were also punished. Thomas got community service, but Crowley got five years in prison.

And all of this because Lock was super eager to show off how incredibly awesome her life was. The only problem now? She won’t be able to show us her “awesome” new life behind bars. And in the words of a not so bright guy, that’s just, “Sad!