Photo: wellphoto (Getty)
Remember a little while back when we told you all that cops busted a massive cocaine-ring? That’s right, cocaine hidden inside of pineapples. Cops were able to seize 745kg of coke inside of what turned out to be fake pineapples. So that got us thinking of all the other stories we’ve written in the past that involves people trying to smuggle their drugs in, and we have to admit, some very creative ways. Whether it was using a pigeon, a Cookie Monster doll, inside a vending machine or making a mom stuff an egg inside of her (gross, I know), these men and women had no shame doing everything in their power to smuggle their drugs.
So with that said, check out the ten stories below that involve folks who did their best to smuggle drugs, but ultimately failed big time.
Let this be a lesson for you all: don’t do drugs, kids. And never, and I mean never, use your mom in your drug scheme. That’s just not cool.
Oh how we wish this was real: Best Fake News Story Ever Claims Man Smuggled Chicken McNuggets In Condoms Up His Ass
Smuggle Stories
In A Fake Butt
Two men were arrested after two pounds of cocaine were found hidden in a fake butt.
Penis-Shaped Candles
Photo: via the DEA
Two dudes wanted to smuggle meth inside New York City. And their idea? Penis-shaped candles.
Cookie or Cocaine Monster?
Photo by Ben Hider/Getty Images
Florida Man Camus Lorenzo McNair simply hid cocaine inside of a Cookie Monster doll.
Fly Away, Pigeon
Photo: Twitter/Al-Ral
A pigeon crossing the boarders between Kuwait and Iraq was found with 178 ecstasy pills stored in a tiny, adorable backpack.
Is That A Plastic Egg In Your Vagina?
Photo: Julia Ewan/The Washington Post/Getty Images)
Let's just say a determined mom stuffed a plastic egg filled with cocaine, heroin and some tranquilizer pills into her vagina in order to give it to her son in prison. Gross.
Cocaine In The Drink Menus
Photo: Facebook/Justyna Gorska
Justyna Gorska, a 34-year-old bartender, had no problem hiding cocaine within the drink menus.
The Kiss Of Death
Photo: Clackamas County Sheriff
Melissa Ann Blair killed her inmate boyfriend after trying to pass seven balloons filled with meth to him via kiss.
Very Fast Food!
Frank Guerrero, a Bronx McDonald’s night shift manager, was arrested after dealing drugs during his shift, drugs he kept inside of the fast food's restroom.
Even In Some Tampons
Photo: Oregon Police
Elizabeth Kay Sparkman loves her daughter so much she tried to smuggle some oxycodone pills (and meth) to her inmate daughter...via some tampons.
Vending Machine
Photo: Bell Gardens Police
And sometimes you just have to store your cocaine inside a vending machine filled with kids' toys.