Another Greek island, and another photo that looks like it could only exist in a romantic movie. Yet, people actually live here. Lucky bastards.
But Emma Tillman doesn’t only photograph outdoors and nature, here she has a sexy sci-fi photograph with Amanda Charchian modeling. It’s not her only nude shoot, as well, you pervs.
The American photographer shoots beautiful imagery at home too, like this fairytale-like bit of nature in California. How could a person walk onto this fork and just pass it is beyond us.
A geometrical pattern created out of the mountains, wheat, and the ocean is so fitting for California that it could easily represent the state’s new flag, if the current one wasn’t so awesome, at least.
Similar to how the last photo represents California perfectly, this one embodies Greece. Emma Elizabeth Tillman should definitely be hired by national tourism agencies to capture the essence of their countries. Tillman explains her love of these photos.
Landscapes hold history, they transcend time by their presence, and their mystery can be captured in the mood of a photograph.
Emma Elizabeth Tillman has over 1,000 photos on her Instagram page, and only around 15,000 followers, so go ahead and right that wrong. But tell us which of these Emma Tillman’s photos did you like the most? And feel free to recommend any similar Instagram accounts we can give a follow.