Today’s Funny Photos 11-21-17

With a short reprieve from the daily grind within arm’s reach, what better time to slack off than the Tuesday before the Thanksgiving holiday? We recommend a dose of daily funny photos to get the job done. But then, that’s sort of our answer to everything. If you can think of something better, we are open to suggestions. However, since funnies are the greatest thing since sliced bread (jeez, it must have been a pretty slow century since Otto Frederick Rohwedder’s monumental invention of the loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine in 1928), we’re guessing you’ll come up empty.

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Oh, you like memes? We’ve got just the thing: Meme Vs. Meme: Candy Corn

Speaking of “uncut,” things tend to get a little raunchier on Page 2.


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