Today’s Funny Photos 10-18-17

The workdays can get so tedious that you forget what day it even is. Fortunately, today’s (and most day’s, for that matter) funny photos are pretty evergreen. That means you can enjoy them again and again without ever once checking a calendar. Since most of you don’t make a habit out of that anyways, it looks like we’re ahead of the game. Hopefully, we can keep up that momentum from here. If not, you’re in big trouble, because these intros are usually the easiest part. Fingers crossed!

Try our luck by following Mandatory on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. That doesn’t even make sense, but it still shouldn’t stop you from doing it.

Not like he was going to win “Father of the Year” after this guy, anyways: Dad’s Wrestling Matches With Kid Includes WWE Commentary, Tables And Ladders

The truth is out there. Maybe it’s on Page 2.