Photo: Chris Jackson/Getty Images
I always knew that the counterfeit Barbie business was a brutal one.
U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection recent said that officers with the Office of Field Operations recently stopped a shipment of counterfeit Barbie dolls after they decided to inspect a rail container at the International Falls Port of Entry. The container, which was being shipped from Canada, was intercepted at a Minnesota border crossing and was discovered to contain 3,004 toys that initially appeared to be Barbie dolls.
So $85,824 Worth Of Counterfeit Barbie Dolls Were Just Seized

Photo: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Officials then discovered that these Barbie Dolls were bootleg copies that violated Mattel’s intellectual property. Oh, and all these dolls had a suggested retail price of about $85,824. Hell, for that much money I can buy myself a dream house. Well, not exactly, but maybe a tiny house somewhere in Pennsylvania away from humans.
So it looks like some kids won’t be getting their fake Barbie Dolls this Christmas after all. Oh well, they should get a laptop and stop trying to have an active imagination.
h/t UPI