Dude Accidentally Gets Added To Group Text And Ends Up Hilariously Trolling Soccer Moms

Photo: asiseeit (Getty)

I don’t have kids of my own, so I’ve never had to deal with soccer moms, but I do know that when they are not asking for the manager at Target they are getting pissed off about little things. And one random dude decided to mess with a bunch of soccer moms when he accidentally got added to a group text.

It all kicked off when imgur user thecarnivale noticed that he had been added to a group chat filled with soccer team parents talking about a meeting with Coach Juan. And that’s when the troll decided to rile these moms up. So let’s just see how much this troll messed with these moms.

Dude Accidentally Gets Added To Group Text And Ends Up Hilariously Trolling Soccer Moms

Screengrab: imgur/thecarnivale

Screengrab: imgur/thecarnivale

Screengrab: imgur/thecarnivale


Screengrab: imgur/thecarnivale

Screengrab: imgur/thecarnivale

Screengrab: imgur/thecarnivale


No word yet on what occurred next, but this dude has a point: pudding cups suck.

h/t Someecards

This is pretty damn awkward, too: Dude Accidentally Sends Friend Messed Up Birthday Wishes On Facebook When He Replies To What He Thinks Is Automated Text