Two Idiots Tried To Steal A Utility Pole In Florida

Photo: epantha (Getty)

I’d like to believe that there is a special place in hell for people who decide to loot electronics stores and steal other people’s shit after a devastating hurricane rolls through town. I mean, one thing you don’t need to have in your possession when your streets are buried under nine feet of water is a brand new 84-inch TV.

According to UPI, these two dipshits in Jacksonville also didn’t feel the need to rush into a Best Buy and steal their electronics, but they apparently had big plans for a…wait for it…massive utility pole that had fallen during the storm.

We’re dead serious:

The goal now of course is to find a judge who believes them.

Even rarer than thieves trying to steal a utility pole: Super Rare White Giraffes Caught On Film For The First Time Ever


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