Today’s Funny Photos 8-31-17

We’re on the homestretch now, folks, because it’s Thursday. But that does not mean we here at Mandatory are taking our foot off the gas quite yet — and you know what that means: a new batch of Funny Photos are here for your pleasure. And I don’t know about you but I think that deserves a nice hearty slow clap. Thanks for that, we really appreciate it. And now that we’re done congratulating ourselves I think it’s time we let you all enjoy some laughs. So have it and see you all later.

Oh, and don’t forget to follow Mandatory on Twitter and on Instagram, too.





And speaking of pasta: Woman Assaults Boyfriend After He Says Her Pasta Is Just ‘OK’





Well, hopefully this “virgin” has some good tunes: 10 Songs of Sex To Which You Likely Lost Your Virginity






You tell them! And we’ll tell you to check out even more of our Funny Photos. You know you want to.


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