Today’s Funny Photos 9-1-17

Another week down and only 17 more to go before we get this god-forsaken year over with. That is, if my calculations are correct (which you should never bank on). However, one thing you can always depend upon is funny photos and their ability to instantly brighten one’s mood. That’s especially the case on a Friday? Or, actually, is it not? I can never remember. OK, on a scale of one to ten, how happy are you right now? Wait, didn’t I just say I was not good at calculations? You know, what, let’s just drop the whole thing and get on to the laughs. That’s what you’re here for anyways, right?

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Fido is failing left and right up in here: ‘Frisbee Dog Fail’ Simply Must Be The Next Great 2017 Meme

Still a better look than this: Here’s The Likely Reason Why Mayweather Wore That Ski Mask

Just because you’ll likely be doing chores this holiday weekend, that doesn’t you can’t have some fun with it. Yesterday’s funny photos go great with mowing, too!