Today’s Funny Photos 8-29-17

I’ll be honest, not a ton of thought goes into each day’s intro to funny photos. I know that might come as a shock to most of you (especially since you read them thoroughly every day), but for my money, it’s best to write them spurt of the moment as I go. That’s why IBM invented the backspace key, after all. See? Totally off the cuff. I just had that information readily available in my noggin, full IP address and all.

But enough about me. What about you? Just kidding, there’s no time for that right now. We have hilarious memes and other such internet gems to spend our valuable time on. What’s the other word for that? Waste? Yeah, that’s it. But hey, we really do value your opinion. In fact, we make sure to mention it every day below when we ask you to check us out on social media. What, did you think we just enjoyed being “Liked?”

Hey, follow Mandatory on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Remember? From two sentences ago?

Today’s Funny Photos 8-29-17

Preaching to the choir: Douche Ignores “No Parking” Sign, Returns To Find His Ferrari In The Middle Of Flea Market

Could be worse: Here’s A Lovely Couple Furiously Dry-Humping On A NYC Subway

That tattoo makes us hungry. Hungry for more funny photos, that is.