If there’s one thing in life that makes me happy, it’s pizza. However, if there are two things, they’re pizza and burgers. But don’t feel bad, funny GIFs, because you’re a close third. Oh, and you at home shouldn’t feel bad either, because everyone’s third favorite thing in the world is right here for your viewing pleasure. So don’t f–k it up; yuck it up.
Mandatory on Facebook and Twitter — everyone’s fourth and fifth favorite thing, respectively.
Funniest GIFs 8-10-17

It’s about time we classed things up around here.

Jeez, give a dog a bone. Or in this case, a drink.

Hmm, must have told a lie right before his slide.

When it comes to dog dribbling, practice makes purrfect.


So that’s what the bills on caps are for. I always thought it was sun protection.

This dog loves bricks like a cat loves a good tree stump.

See, we had a plan for that seemingly random and/made up expression.

A poor parker AND a tiny dong? That is not a good combo.

Some folks just know how to nap. Others…

What’d he do to deserve this? Inquire, “Penny for your thoughts?” to too many people?