Is an introduction really all that necessary here? I’m not calling anyone out, but if you can’t look brainlessly at something, then you are some kinda super genius. Actually, you know what, maybe I will call you out. Every element of that sounded like a compliment, so why not? Anyways, here are this week’s funniest GIFs from around the web. Everyone but Mr. Smartypants knows what to do from there.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow Mandatory on Facebook and Twitter, either.
Funniest GIFs 7-20-17

I don’t think this is how Roast Me is supposed to work, but we’ll try it your way.

Dog. Gone.

To be fair, some dudes take FOREVER to line up their damn shot.

On second thought, don’t let him share this whole new world with you.

OK, there’s definitely something in the water around here.

Drunk dog, this is your wake up call.

Doesn’t seem like proper helicopter pilot attire…

Wicked hacky sack skills. If only it were 1994 somewhere.

To quote a famous yellow guy, “How can I be down a thousand bucks?!”

Guess who just came into town? FLIPPER!

Doesn’t this guy know how impressionable youths are? Soon they’re all gonna be doing this.