Today’s Funny Photos 7-18-17

Well, what do you know? It’s Tuesday again. But don’t expect another boring intro about how it’s the second day of the week, which is still better than a Monday. Yuckyuckyuck! Spare me those pity laughs, because I don’t need them. I’m much deeper than that. So for today, I’m choosing to make the very first thing I asked the topic of conversation: “Well, what do you know?” Why do we say it? What the hell does it mean? Is it just another version of “Hey, how’s it going,” where you ask the question in passing but don’t actually expect an answer? Anyways, just something to ponder now that I’ve wasted 30 seconds of your life. Clearly the answer for me is, “I know how NOT to make good one-sided conversation.” And now, without further ado, those funny things you all enjoy.

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Very sneaky: Check Out These Air Jordans Customized With A Nintendo Theme

Speaking of which: Guy Realizes Mail Carrier Left His Package In Worst Place Ever

Fine! Be that way! I’ll just look at yesterday’s funny photos and not share any with you.

…sorry, that was mean. Here’s the link.