Today’s Funny Photos 7-4-17

It’s difficult to do an entire day’s funny photos roundup focused solely on the Fourth of July. After all, it’s not like we sit around all year saving the perfect pictures up just so we can use them today. You ever heard a comedian get on stage and make nothing but Independence Day jokes for an hour? You’d have better luck making the focus of your set Independence Day: Resurgence. However, I digress. Today’s funnies are mostly themed towards this most patriotic of all days, but we red, white and blew our chance at a perfect score pretty early on. But as is surely the motto of the Dallas Cowboys (a.k.a. America’s Team), “There’s always next year.”

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When it comes to Mandatory funny photos, Seinfeld references come threefold, too.

See, we had a plan for that joke in the intro all along (I know you read the intros every day): Cowboys Fan Gets Punched So Hard By Giants Fan His Pants Fall Off

It might be bananas, but it’s still red, white and blue. That’s gotta count for something. If you disagree, don’t let yesterday’s funny photos hit you on the way out.


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