Today’s Funny Photos 6-27-17

Now that we’ve gotten over that miserable Monday hump, we’re on to Tuesday, and know that one day from today it will be the Fourth of July. I think. I don’t own a calendar because who owns calendars? Serial killers who want to keep track of their next victim’s daily routine, that’s who. Well, enough talk about serial killers, it’s time to talk about another batch of funnies because that’s exactly what we have for you below. So you know what to do: take a look at these funnies and tell us how much you laughed because as always we could use the self-esteem boost. Have at it, folks!

And make sure to follow Mandatory on Twitter and Instagram, too!





Well, for now we are just going to have to keep taking them on the subway inside of bags like these dog owners do.





And sometimes your Amazon Echo randomly orders a bunch of dollhouses for you.






What’s that? You want more laughs? You got it. Check out more of our Funny Photos now!


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