Today’s Funny Photos 6-16-17

Oh hells to the yes, it’s Friday. And I am looking forward to the weekend as I have been battling a cold but I’ve still showed up to work to entertain you folks. Now look, doesn’t that prove to you how much I dig you folks? Well it should because here at Mandatory we are all about making you laugh as much as we can. And like every Friday this batch of funnies was done to take you right into the weekend on a good note. So kick back, maybe turn up some MGMT and enjoy these funnies. Have a killer weekend!

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and on Instagram.




And wait until you see this drunk gal perform “Smooth Criminal.” It’s quite the performance.





And we all want to be like this rocking old man when we reach his age. That’s the goal.





Well that sounds like it was a good time. Want more good times? Well just check out more of our Funny Photos and enjoy!