Two Women Arrested After One Of Them Calls Police On Herself For Being ‘Too Drunk Too Drive’

Photo: Trista Mountsier / EyeEm (Getty)

Well, so I guess she was sort of responsible, no?

It looks like some sense was knocked into 25-year-old Marissa Ann Sluss when after a night of drinking she decided to call police at around 3AM to tell them this: she was “too drunk to drive.” And oh, Sluss also told police that her friend, 20-year-old Hannah Marie Webb, who happened to be in the car with Sluss, was also too drunk too drive.

When police caught up to the Texas gals, their car was in the middle of the road, and they both smelled like alcohol. Sluss told the responding officer that she called police because her friend was not “complying.”

Two Women Arrested After One Of Them Calls Police On Herself For Being ‘Too Drunk Too Drive’

Marissa Ann Sluss (left) and Hannah Marie Webb (right)

And because of all that both women failed sobriety tests. Sluss was charged with driving while intoxicated, and Webb was charged with public intoxication.

But hey, at least they called police on themselves, so that’s a positive. Right?

h/t COED

And let’s not forget this gem: Two Guys Transporting Weed Got So Baked That They Called 911 On Themselves


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