Today’s Funny Photos 4-21-17

Another work week has passed, and we are still trucking along. And that in itself is an accomplishment, ladies and gentlemen. The closer it gets to Friday the more our mood improves, and now that it’s Friday we are ready to hit the town and get wasted. But in reality we are just going to stay in, eat a bunch of food and catch up on our shows. Because frankly that’s better than going out anyway. So since it’s Friday, we are bringing you yet another fresh batch of funnies — straight out of the internet oven! So take it easy today, and have a kick-ass weekend. Now enjoy these Funny Photos!

And enjoy Mandatory on Instagram and Twitter, too!




And if you’re a fan of Tom Cruise, feel free to watch him run in his films for 18 minutes. Now that’s a good waste of time.





No need to feel depressed. Why? Well…we do have more Funny Photos, so there’s that at least.







Well then, that’s awkward. You can maybe distract her with yesterday’s Funny Photos in case she missed them.


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