Today’s Funny Photos 4-3-17

It’s Monday. So I think it’s best we try something. Why don’t you click on this link, and let the song play while you read this intro, because that’s honestly how everyone feels every Monday. Now we don’t like to toot our own horn (but we will), but thanks to us your Monday doesn’t have to be such a bummer, and that’s mainly because at least you have a new batch of Funny Photos to bring up your spirits. And that’s really all you can ask for. So stop playing that sad song, and let’s instead click on this link, so we can feel a tad better all while going through these laughs. So get ready to take charge of your week, and let’s power through. But first, time for 4-3-17 funnies!

And time for you to follow Mandatory on Twitter and Instagram.



Hate the mornings? Don’t worry: Not a Morning Person? Study Says That Makes You Happier and More Intelligent




Is your goal to see more funnies? Well head on over to Page 2 then!