Mom Takes Photo Of Daughter, Has No Idea Massive Snake Is Right Next To Her

Photo: Instagram

That’s one to send off to grandma.

So when snakes aren’t hanging out on planes, it seems they enjoy hanging out near two-year-old girls. Well, at least the snake in this story did.

Bianca Dickinson was taking photos of her daughter, Molly in Australia (of course it’s in Australia) when she noticed something odd when she looked at the photo. No, it wasn’t a “piece of bark from a tree in the wind” like she originally thought. It was actually a massive brown snake right next to her daughter.

Check out the original photo below.

Did you notice the Eastern brown snake?

Here’s a closer look.

Photo: Instagram

“The photo still makes me have heart failure,” Dickinson told Daily Mail Australia. “I think because I stayed still, she then stayed still and it literally just kept slithering past,” Dickinson adds.

Molly didn’t notice the snake, but her mom still isn’t over it.

“… I didn’t sleep last night and I have just eaten for the first time since it happened,” Dickinson said.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the Eastern brown snake is the second most venomous snake in the world. And you know what else? It’s responsible for the most snakebite deaths in Australia. So yeah, close call.

And there there’s this photo: This Is What Happens When You’re An Idiot And Try To Take A Selfie With A Shark


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