Shoutout To This Uber Driver Who Desperately Tried To Get A Customer To Meet Him Again

Photo: StudioThreeDots (Getty)

Hey, if you’re an Uber driver and don’t have this dude’s rap skills and can’t reel in the ladies, perhaps you might want to take the route that this desperate as all hell Uber driver took in order to get a customer to meet up with him again.

A Redditor named Roxanne decided to share a screenshot of a text conversation she had with her Uber driver whose name is Issac. Roxanne was reaching out to Issac after she received an email saying she may have left something in his car.

Well, take a look at what she may have left.

Photo: Reddit


Damn, Issac, this was a pretty damn solid try. I mean, what sane person wouldn’t return to pick up their mild sauce Taco Bell packet? A crazy person, that’s who. No word yet on whether Roxanne went to pick it up or not, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say she didn’t. Or maybe she thought this was funny enough for her to actually meet Issac up. Hey, you never know. No, we do, she didn’t go.

Well, better luck next time, Issac.

h/t Someecards

Check this out: Here Are 18 Sex In An Uber Confessions


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