The 12 Most Hardcore Badasses And Rebels You Will Ever Come Across

Photo: Rafafotos (Getty)

I think you folks should know by now that there are a lot of rule-breakers out there. I’m talking about people that go out of their way to completely and shamelessly disobey signs. I know, pretty hardcore. And while we thought we’d seen the last of these rebels when when we showed you a batch of the most badass guys, it seems like there are more coming out of the woodworks. If you thought you were a rebel, or if you thought you were hardcore at all, think again, because you don’t know hardcore until you’ve met these folks. And you don’t know what it’s like to be a complete bad ass until you come face to face with these people.

So take a look below, and check out 12 people you probably wouldn’t want to confront. Why? Well, I think that will become pretty clear once you finish going through these photos.

The 12 Most Hardcore Badasses And Rebels You Will Ever Come Across

So sorry if you thought you were a bad ass or just if you thought you were hardcore — it seems like the people in that gallery are the true hardcore folks.

h/t Pleated-Jeans

Now read about these people: 9 People Arrested For Being Awesome


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