Photo: ullstein bild (Getty)
As smart and creative as kids can be most of them time, there are times when kids are just total idiots. And that’s OK, because it’s part of growing up. Hell, some people never stop being idiots. Just look at our society and that will become clear pretty quickly. Since kids are also curious, they sometimes need to try things out. Let’s just say that the little kids below happened to stumble upon a scissor or a trimmer and tried it on their hair. Just as you imagined, it did not go well.
While we already know what occurs when you give kids markers, this is what occurs when they get their little hands on a various hair trimmers.
Check out the hilarity below!
16 Kids Who Tried To Give Themselves A Haircut And Failed
As you can tell, most of these kids completely regretted their decision to take a pair of scissors to their hair. Yet, they had the same reaction anytime I get a bad haircut: just cry and cry until someone feels bad enough for you to buy you something.
h/t The Chive
Dogs can end up with a shit haircut, too: 15 Dogs Who Got The Worst, Most Hilarious Haircuts
Kid Bad Haircuts
Much too young to let stress cause him to lose his hair.
"Oh, Son..."
Look at the look of disappointment on the dad's face.
Up Close And Personal
I guess he just wanted everyone to see his work.
Not Very Happy
It also looks like a mugshot, so at least he has that.
A Little Uneven
He tried.
Kid Bad Haircuts #6
Yep, that's what you used to ruin your hair, kid.
Work It!
Now this is one kid who makes the best out of a bad situation.
She's Also Working It
She's truly proud of her work.
"Check Out The Side Angle"
This kid looks like one half of a WWE tag team.
Positive Vibes
And this girl made sure no one brought her spirit down.
Proud Of Herself
She also kind of looks like Madonna. Which is odd.
Just A Fresh Look
Because sometimes you need a change.
Rad Cut
This kid has style.
One For The Photo Album
So they will never forget.
Not Bad, Kid
He's going to get all the ladies now.
"What have I done?!"